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About Steven J. Hoff

Putting “Science into Practice” is a motto that has guided Dr. Hoff’s research. Five patents and two copyrighted software routines have been received on research projects that Dr. Hoff has directed. One of these patents has been commercialized into a livestock and poultry control system that is used in several countries. Dr. Hoff’s areas of research include evaluation of and design conditions for efficient and sustainable animal production systems, sensor development, controller development and air emission measurement and mitigation technologies for animal production systems. Dr. Hoff’s areas of teaching include climate control and structural design for animal housing and instrumentation.


Present Professor, Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

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Honors and Awards

  • Dean Lee R. Kolmer Award for Excellence in Applied Research (2011)
  • Fellow, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (2010)
  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Faculty Member of the Year (2010)
  • ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Team Award (2009)
  • Dean's Citation for Extraordinary Contributions to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2009)

Contact Information

4331 Elings
605 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-6180
Fax: 515-294-2255


Technical Reports and White Papers (13)

TSM 416: Technology Capstone Projects (1)