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A rubric-based grading app for iPads
The ASEE Computers in Education (CoED) Journal (2013)
  • Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University
  • Sean Banger, Lockheed Martin Corporation
While there are numerous classroom management and instructional apps available on the touch based devices such as Apple’s iPad, there are limited alternatives that offer comprehensive grading functionality. The few apps that exist, lack the features necessary for effectively grading technical reports or are poorly designed to take advantage of the touch gestures. This paper describes the inception, development, and key design features of an iPad app, evaluA+, that facilitates rubric based grading of both written and oral assignments. evaluA+ is specifically targeted for grading essays, technical reports, and oral presentations by displaying the grading rubric alongside the student submissions. Apart from grading, the app allows creation of tailored grading rubrics, direct distribution of the rubric to the students, wireless synchronization of assignment documents, and direct dissemination of evaluated material for feedback. Additionally, the app can function without an internet connection, providing instructors the ability to remotely grade assignments. In essence, the app eliminates the need to rely on hard copies of documents for assessment purposes and affords true mobility for the instructors. This paper elaborates on the key interface components that provide an integrated and a more natural alternative for evaluation, at the same time serving as an assignment management tool. As a result, the utility of the app is not limited to science and engineering fields but will aid evaluation of any open-ended assignment. Overall, evaluA+ presents itself as a next generation of educational tool that will be indispensable for instructors seeking effective and efficient grading alternatives.
Publication Date
June 23, 2013
Citation Information
Smitesh Bakrania and Sean Banger. "A rubric-based grading app for iPads" The ASEE Computers in Education (CoED) Journal Vol. 5 Iss. 1 (2013) p. 79
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