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Learning Through a CMC-Based Tandem Project with Native Speakers: A Descriptive Study of Beginning CFL Learners
Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
  • Shenglan Zhang, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Tandem learning through conferencing tools, one form of computer-mediated communication (CMC), has been proven beneficial to language learning. This study investigates the implementation of a tandem learning activity that was designed, based on the multiliteracies' view of pedagogy, to allow CFL learners in America to interact with native speakers of Chinese in China. It explores how learners interact with native speakers via Skype, QQ or WeChat, with the purpose of completing a culture project, how they perceive this learning experience, and how the design of the tandem activity might be improved. Data collected include: chat records, learner reflections on the tandem learning experience, a survey, project presentations, researcher/teacher field observation notes, and an informal focus group interview. Grounded theory was used in data analysis. The findings show that the learners were able to communicate with the native speakers online successfully by adopting various strategies. A majority of the learners enjoyed the tandem activity, primarily because they felt that it had enhanced their learning. Various topics were covered in their conversations. The learners enjoyed connecting with native speaking college students in China despite some challenges. Specific ways were suggested to improve integration of tandem learning into beginning level CFL courses.


This article is published as Zhang, S. (2016). Learning through a CMC-based tandem project with native speakers: A descriptive study of beginning CFL Learners. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 7(2), 58-81. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Shenglan Zhang. "Learning Through a CMC-Based Tandem Project with Native Speakers: A Descriptive Study of Beginning CFL Learners" Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching Vol. 7 Iss. 2 (2016) p. 58 - 81
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