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About Sharon Q Fitzgerald

As Department Head of the Technical Services Division at Fogler Library, I oversee the Serials and Electronic Resources Unit and Cataloging/Metadata Unit. Responsibilities include direction for all processing related to serials including acquisitions, cataloging and processing for URSUS and binding as well as overseeing the work of the Metadata/Cataloging Unit which addresses access to all of our monographic resources including electronic formats. I also serve as Webmanager for the Fogler Library web site.
I have worked on various team projects to increase public access to information resources beyond the online catalog. I currently serve on both Library and System wide committees charged with developing a digital library for the University of Maine System. Other team efforts include: Digital Commons at UMaine, Kirtas Digital Scanning Project, Maine Music Box (Multimedia digital music library), Spatial Odyssey (a GIS full text database), the Archives Imaging Project, and a published project to develop a non-bibliographic database of community resources using the Community Information Format, participating with the Library of Congress Standards Office in refining the standard for national implementation.


Present Head, Technical Services and Library Web Manager, University of Maine Fogler Library

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