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About Shari Willis

My recent research has been in Driver Education. Along with other faculty members we are considering the parental influence on driving. We have brought parents and teens together to discuss the Graduated Drivers License and benefits of working with their teen during the driving process. The project is currently funded by State Farm Insurance.

Currently, I am working as the technical advisor with a team of other driving professionals on standards for driver education that should be implemented within the next two years in the State of New Jersey. The document is titled New Jersey Driver Education Curriculum Guide.

My second interest is outdoor education and adventure education. This is an area in which I hope to begin research in the next few year. The specific research will focus on the impact of this type of education on the college student’s goals and experiences.


Present Associate Professor, Health & Exercise Science, Rowan University School of Nursing and Health Professions

Research Interests

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PhD, University of Utah ‐ Health Promotion and Education
MS, Indiana University ‐ School and College Health & Safety Education
BS, Northeast Missouri State University ‐ Exercise Science

Journal Articles (5)