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About Shannon Vallor

I am the William J. Rewak, S.J. Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley, and President of the international Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT).

My research explores the philosophical territory defined by three intersecting domains: the philosophy and ethics of emerging technologies, the philosophy of science and phenomenology. My current research project focuses on the impact of emerging technologies, particularly those involving automation, on the moral and intellectual habits, skills and virtues of human beings - our character.

My work investigates how human character is being transformed by rapid advances in robotics, new social media, surveillance and biomedical technologies, and appears in journals such as Ethics and Information Technology, Philosophy & Technology, and Techne, as well as a 2016 book from Oxford University Press:  Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting.

I have a special interest in the integration of software ethics with industry and engineering/computer science education, and I engage in outreach on this subject with a range of stakeholders inside and outside academia, including government, industry, law, media and public policy professionals and advocates. Recent professional honors include the 2015 World Technology Award in Ethics.


2016 - 2020 William J. Rewak, S.J. Professor, Santa Clara University Department of Philosophy
2012 - 2016 Associate Professor, Santa Clara University Department of Philosophy
2006 - 2012 Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University Department of Philosophy
2003 - 2006 Lecturer, Santa Clara University Department of Philosophy
2001 - 2003 Lecturer, University of San Francisco ‐ Department of Philosophy
1997 - 1999 Teaching Fellow, Boston College ‐ Department of Philosophy

Curriculum Vitae

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  • PHIL 117: Philosophy of Technology
  • PHIL 138: Phenomenology
  • PHIL 140: Philosophy of Science
  • PHIL 80: Science, Technology & Society
  • PHIL 90: Knowledge & Reality
  • PHIL 11H/12H: Cultures & Ideas I-II, Honors: Personal Identity and Community
  • ENGR 273: Sustainable Energy and Ethics in Engineering


May 2001 Ph.D. in Philosophy, Boston College

Contact Information

Department of Philosophy
Santa Clara University
Phone: 408-554-5190

Recent Works (2)

Research Works (23)