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About Shannon Stewart

Dr. Shannon Stewart is a registered psychologist and an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at Western University, as well as an associate scientist with the Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI).

Asset Map Keywords: Mental Health, Substance Use, and Mood Disorders --> (see more)
Children's Health Collaborators: Graham Reid, and Alan Leschied

I am a Registered Psychologist and joined the Faculty of Education in the area of Applied Psychology in July of 2014. Prior to my position at Western, I was the Head of Research at the Child and Parent Resource Institute, a tertiary care facility for children and youth with complex mental health needs within the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. I am also an Associate Scientist at the Children’s Health Research Institute (CHRI) as well as an interRAI Research Fellow. As a interRAI Research Fellow, I am leading the international efforts for the development of the interRAI Child and Youth mental health suite of instruments, InterRAI is a not for profit consortium of expert researchers and clinicians committed to improving care for vulnerable populations.

My overarching program of research focuses on:
  1. Improving early identification of mental health and substance use
  2. Enhancing access to mental health care services
  3. Contributing to increased evidence-informed care planning to improve the functionality of mental health services across multiple service sectors

By providing a more systematic, coordinated and integrated approach to early identification and improved access to services, many of the childhood mental health problems can be improved through early diagnosis and intervention. My research focuses on ways to better understand the complex medical, environmental, social, and psychiatric factors associated with mental health problems, treatment trajectories, and service use to better meet the needs of our children and youth. This research aims to reduce and potentially alleviate the negative consequences of mental health issues across the lifespan.

A major initiative I have been focusing on over the last several years includes the international development of the interRAI suite of instruments for children and youth with mental health needs within a variety of service sectors (e.g., education, health, youth justice) at different levels of service intensity (e.g., community and inpatient services for primary, secondary and tertiary care). This also includes Applications for the instruments such as: a) Collaborative Action Plans (CAPS) to support evidence-informed care planning; b) outcome measurement to evaluate programs; c) case mix systems to address resource allocation and intensity of services; and d) quality indicators for bench marking to improve outcomes across hospitals, agencies and facilities. An essential part of this process is the facilitation and transfer of evidence to enhance knowledge mobilization to improve capacity building within the child and youth mental health service system.

Other areas of interest include non-suicidal self-injury, suicide risk, aggression, substance use, complex special needs, predictors of re-hospitalization, residential outcomes related to treatment sustainability, continuity of care and transition across service sectors. I hold grants at the National and International levels concentrating on improving services for vulnerable children and youth exhibiting mental health struggles.

Research Interest Area: Mental health and behavioural disorders
Research Overview: Mental Health; Children's Health


Present Associate Professor, Western University Faculty of Education
Present Associate Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute ‐ Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI)


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