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About Seyed Hooman Ghasemi

Dr. Ghasemi's specialty area within civil engineering is structural engineering. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Transportation Research Record. Dr. Ghasemi's current research focuses on structural reliability, infrastructure resilience, structural failure analysis, and seismic structural analysis. His previous research accomplishments include: development of load and resistance factor design for tunnels; development of Target Reliability: a selection of the target reliability index for both ultimate and serviceability limit states for bridges and recommendation for AASHTO LRFD; development of a new damage function called “Reliability-Intensity Surface”, as a powerful alternative to fragility curves; and development of a new instantaneous resilience metric with a combination of robustness and redundancy.

View all Dr. Ghasemi's publications with citation counts on his Google Scholar profile.


2022 - Present Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rowan University Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering
2021 - 2022 Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rowan University Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Associate Editor, Transportation Research Record
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2015 Ph.D. Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Auburn University
2010 M.S. Civil Engineering, Zanjan University

Recent Journal Articles (19)