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Lessons Learned from Palestinian Law Professors about Transfer of Learning
Journal of Legal Education (2006)
  • Dr. Sandra Daffron, Western Washington University
  • William Davis
The Rule of Law project for the West Bank and Gaza was an out- growth of the Oslo Peace Accords. These Accords identified the need to strengthen the rule of law, a critical element in the peace process. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) initiated a competitive bidding process in the summer of 1999. DPK Consulting from San Francisco won the contract and the authors of this article worked on the contract. William Davis was the principal in charge and Sandra Ratcliff Daffron was responsible for the legal education component. In early 2000, Palestinians had hope for the future, were optimistic, and were excited as the completion of the peace agreement drew closer. The First Intifada had been devastating to Palestinians, especially educators. Universities and schools were closed for security reasons and those wanting higher education had to move to other Arab countries. Many had to move outside the West Bank and Gaza to work and many saved their money for their return to Palestine. Palestinians who earned money in other countries began flocking back to the West Bank at the turn of the twenty-first century to invest in building homes and businesses. Universities opened in the mid-90s and international groups with large amounts of funding were flocking into the West Bank and Gaza with funds to invest in Palestine's future.
  • Transfer of learning
Publication Date
December, 2006
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Citation Information
Sandra Daffron and William Davis. "Lessons Learned from Palestinian Law Professors about Transfer of Learning" Journal of Legal Education Vol. 55 Iss. 4 (2006) p. 571 - 582
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