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Interpolating sequences on curves
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (1985)
  • Samih Obaid, San Jose State University
  • D. C. Rung, Pennsylvania State University
We established a condition on boundary curves (ending at points) lying either in the unit disc or the upper half plane which implies that any consecutively separated sequence, in the hyperbolic distance, lying on one of these curves is an interpolating sequence for bounded holomorphic functions.
  • Mathematics,
  • interpolating,
  • curves,
  • sequences
Publication Date
Fall 1985
Publisher Statement
This article was published in the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, volume 15, issue 4, 1985. It is also available at this link.

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Citation Information
Samih Obaid and D. C. Rung. "Interpolating sequences on curves" Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics Vol. 15 Iss. 4 (1985) p. 787 - 799 ISSN: Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
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