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About Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker

Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker is currently an Assistant Professor at Austin Peay State University (Institute of National Security & Military Studies) in the United States where he teaches courses on public law / judicial politics, international law / international criminal law, and multi-method research design.

Dr. Baker received his legal education at the University of Illinois (J.D.) and the University of California at Berkeley (LL.M.), and completed his training as a Political Scientist at the University of Southern California (Ph.D.).

Before joining the faculty at Austin Peay State University, Dr. Baker worked at the University of Surrey (School of Law) in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Baker's areas of expertise center mainly upon courts & judicial politics in a comparative context; international law / international criminal law; comparative constitutional and criminal law; socio-legal studies; democratic transitions; and multi-method research design. 

Dr. Baker's current research focuses upon the role of transnational epistemic communities in international and domestic norm formation. 

Dr. Baker has published in leading Law Reviews and Social Science Journals. He has held adjunct / visiting appointments in the United States at Pepperdine University (School of Law), in Bosnia-Herzegovina at the University of East Sarajevo (Faculty of Law), and in Serbia at Union University (Faculty of Law). He has also served as a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law in Serbia, and the Institute of International Politics & Economics in Serbia.

Outside of academia, Dr. Baker has worked on constitutional / criminal law issues in the Senate of Canada (Opposition Research Office, Progressive-Conservative Party); war crimes / organized crime issues in the U.S. Embassy – Serbia (U.S. Department of Justice Resident Legal Advisor's Office); and WMD counter-proliferation issues in the U.S. Department of Defense (Defense Intelligence Agency). 

In addition to the English language, Dr. Baker speaks Persian / Farsi, Serbo-Croatian, and some French.


Present Assistant Professor, Austin Peay State University ‐ Institute of National Security & Military Studies


Research Interests

Comparative Law (constitutional, criminal), Criminal Law, International Law, Socio-Legal Studies and Comparative Politics, Public Law, Organizational Theory, Multi-Method Research Design

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Contact Information

Dr. Rudy B. Baker
Austin Peay State University
Institute of National Security & Military Studies
601 College Street
Clarksville, TN 37044

Office: TBA

Office Hours: By appointment

Tel (Skype): (+1-213) 985-3511
Tel (Mobile): (+1-951) 775-4946

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Published Articles (14)

Books (1)

Contributions to Books (3)