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Delivering an Effective edTPA Boot Camp Experience for Students in an Undergraduate Program in Special Education
Georgia Educational Research Association Conference
  • Roddran Grimes, Ph.D., Georgia College & State University
  • Rob Sumowski, Georgia College & State University
  • Stephen Wills, Georgia College & State University
Preservice Teacher Education - Boston 1
Proposal Track
Research Project
Session Format

Presenters will chronicle how four 3-hour sessions presented over a three day intensive boot camp experience focusing on edTPA preparation was designed for and delivered to teacher candidates in an undergraduate Special Education program. The edTPA boot camp was necessary in order to provide teacher candidates with strategies for passing the edTPA. Since passing the edTPA is required for certification in the State of Georgia, it is important that teacher candidates are provided detailed instruction regarding how to compose commentaries and choose videos that best highlight their instruction and assessment of P-12 focus learners. During the boot camp, teacher candidates were presented with guidance on how to develop learning goals, write proper learning objectives, and identify communication skills that incorporate research-based instructional strategies. The boot camp proved to be an effective training approach and 100% of the 34 participating candidates successfully achieved passing scores. Presenters will detail the components of the boot camp and how each module was scaffolded in order to build on prior knowledge. The presenters will also share takeaway lessons and points of growth.

  • edTPA,
  • teacher candidates,
  • boot camp
Professional Bio
Roddran Grimes is an assistant professor of Special Education at Georgia College and State University. She teaches research-based courses for the Special Education undergraduate and graduate programs. Rob Sumowski is an assistant professor of Special Education at Georgia College and State University. He collaborates with faculty and State of Georgia officials regarding research-based Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives. Stephen Wills is an associate professor in the Special Education program at Georgia College and State University. He teaches research-oriented classes for the Special Education Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), and Education Specialist (Ed.S). programs.
Symposium Year
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Citation Information
Roddran Grimes, Rob Sumowski and Stephen Wills. "Delivering an Effective edTPA Boot Camp Experience for Students in an Undergraduate Program in Special Education" (2019)
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