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Faculty Attitudes Towards Integrating Technology and Innovation
International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (2014)
  • Colleen Marzilli, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Julie A. Delello, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Shelly Marmion, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Dr. Rochell R. McWhorter, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Paul B. Roberts, University of Texas at Tyler
  • Scott Marzilli, University of Texas at Tyler
Technological innovation is an important aspect of teaching and learning in the 21st century. This article examines faculty attitudes toward technology use in the classroom at one regional public university in the United States. Building on a faculty-led initiative to develop a Community of Practice for improving education, this study used a mixed-method approach of a faculty-developed, electronic survey to assess this topic. Findings from 72 faculty members revealed an overall positive stance toward technology in the classroom and the average faculty member utilized about six technology tools in their courses. The opportunities, barriers and future uses for technologies in the higher education classroom emerged from the open-ended questions on the survey. One finding of particular concern is that faculty are fearful that technology causes a loss of the humanistic perspective in education. The university is redesigning ten of its most popular courses to increase flexibility, accessibility and student success.
  • faculty attitude,
  • technology
Publication Date
March, 2014
Publisher Statement
First published in the International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education.
Citation Information
Marzilli, C., Delello, J. A., Marmion, S. L., McWhorter, R. R., Roberts, P. B., & Marzilli, S. T. (2014). Faculty attitudes towards integrating technology and innovation. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education, 1(3), 1–20.