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About Robert J. Kearns

Research interests currently focus on the effects of dietary nutrients on immune function. Man and other animals are normally able to protect themselves from environmental factors such as infectious disease agents, allergens, and toxins. Protection from these agents is controlled either by natural or acquired resistance mechanisms. Natural or innate resistance involves those non-specific factors provided at birth, and include numerous biochemical, physical and anatomical barriers. In addition, phagocytic cells including macrophages and neutrophils are involved in the engulfment and destruction of many of these harmful agents. Should innate resistance fail, acquired resistance provides protection for the host. Acquired resistance involves cells of the immune system, and consists of humoral (antibody) and cellular immunity. To survive, the host depends on an elaborate network of communication between cells of the immune system. Ironically, two variables affecting immune function are the aging process and nutritional factors. Aging has been demonstrated to influence both humoral and cellular immune function, as well as cytokine production. Consequently, the aging immune system may contribute to the increased incident of infectious disease and cancer. Malnourished animals are immunocompromised and exhibit an increased incidence of both infectious diseases and cancer. Dietary lipids, vitamin E and ß-carotene have each been reported to modulate the immune system either through regulating cytokines, or eicosanoids (prostaglandins and leukotrienes) which influence several immune parameters, including T and B cell function, as well as cytokine profiles. Carotenoids, i.e., ß-carotene, exhibit biological activities as antioxidants, affect cell growth regulation and modulate gene expression and immune function. Likewise, a deficiency in vitamin E results in reduced lymphocyte and leukocyte killing, as we4ll as interfering with antibody production, and suppression of cellular immunity. Research currently ongoing in my lab is evaluating the effects of dietary fatty acids, vitamin E and carotenoids on T cell function and cytokine production in young and old animals.


1984 - Present Professor, University of Dayton Department of Biology


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1978 PhD, Washington State University
1975 MS, Washington State University
1971 MT, American Society for Clinical Pathology
1968 BS, Washington State University

Contact Information

Phone: 937-229-3545


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