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Internal Relaxation in Short Chains Bearing Terminal Polar Groups
Dielectric Properties of Polymers: Proceedings of a Symposium held on March 29–30, 1971, in connection with the 161st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (1972)
  • R. L. Jernigan, National Institutes of Health
Dielectric relaxation can be described in terms of correlations between an initial dipole vector, µ(0), and its value at later times, µ(t). Here, this dipolar correlation function is averaged over all short chain configurations with a rotational isomeric state model. The time dependent behavior of molecular configurations is developed from rates for passing over internal rotational energy barriers. Configurational perturbations caused by electric fields are treated; such effects are determined to be usually small. The theory developed is applied to calculate the high frequency dielectric dispersion for members of the family of α,ω-dibromo-n-alkanes, Br-(CH2)n-1-Br for n = 4 to 6. Distributions of internal relaxation times are reported. For the longer chains these distributions lead to depressed and slightly skewed Cole-Cole dielectric constant diagrams.
Publication Date
Los Angeles, California
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Citation Information
R. L. Jernigan. "Internal Relaxation in Short Chains Bearing Terminal Polar Groups" Dielectric Properties of Polymers: Proceedings of a Symposium held on March 29–30, 1971, in connection with the 161st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (1972)
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