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About Rebecca Lorimer Leonard

Rebecca Lorimer Leonard is an Assistant Professor of English. She joined the UMass faculty in the fall of 2012. She holds a Ph.D. in English from the program in composition and rhetoric at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She specializes in literacy studies, multilingual writing, intercultural rhetoric, community literacies, and writing across the curriculum / writing in the disciplines.
She is currently working on a book-length project that traces the writing practices of 25 multilingual immigrants across their languages and the places they have lived around the world. A chapter based on this project, “Writing across Languages: Developing Rhetorical Attunement by Negotiating Difference,” will be published in a collection by Routledge in 2012. At UMass, she directs the writing center and teaches undergraduate courses on writing and multilingual literacies.


Present Assistant Professor, Department of English, College of Humanities & Fine Arts, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Contact Information

287 Bartlett Hall
130 Hicks Way
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel: 413-545-2977
Fax: 413-545-3880


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