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About Robert B Leflar

Health law and policy are the chief focus of my scholarship and teaching, with an emphasis on comparing Japanese health law with that of the U.S. and other nations. I teach and publish on torts, products liability, and environmental issues as well. An updated version of “Informed Consent and Patients’ Rights in Japan” (Houston Law Review), the work of which I’m proudest, was published as a book titled “Nihon no Iryo to Ho: Infomudo Konsento Runessansu” [Law and Health Care in Japan: The Renaissance of Informed Consent]. Recent work includes articles on U.S. health care reform and on medical malpractice reform (2013) and on Japan’s tsunami and nuclear meltdown (2012). I also serve on the board of the Arkansas Sierra Club.


Present Adjunct Professor, College of Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Present Professor, College of Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

University of Arkansas School of Law
1045 West Maple St.
Fayetteville AR 72701 USA
Tel. (479) 575-2709


Research Works (14)

Contributions to Books (1)