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Projected changes in climate extremes over the northeastern United States
Journal of Climate (2015)
  • Liang Ning
  • Emily E Riddle, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Raymond S Bradley, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
"Projections of historical and future changes in climate extremes are examined by applying the "bias-correction-spatial disaggregation" (BCSD) statistical downscaling method to five general circulation models (GCMs) from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). For this analysis, 11 extreme temperature and precipitation indices that are relevant across multiple disciplines (e.g., agriculture and conservation) are chosen. Over the historical period, the simulated means, variances, and cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of each of the 11 indices are first compared with observations, and the performance of the downscaling method is quantitatively evaluated. For the future period, the ensemble average of the five GCM simulations points to more warm extremes, fewer cold extremes, and more precipitation extremes with greater intensities under all three scenarios. The changes are larger under higher emissions scenarios. The inter-GCM uncertainties and changes in probability distributions are also assessed. Changes in the probability distributions indicate an in- crease in both the number and interannual variability of future climate extreme events. The potential deficiencies of the method in projecting future extremes are also discussed."
  • climate extremes
Publication Date
Citation Information
Liang Ning, Emily E Riddle and Raymond S Bradley. "Projected changes in climate extremes over the northeastern United States" Journal of Climate Vol. 28 (2015)
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