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About Ravindra Singh

Singh group works on the interface of fundamental and translational biology. General interest of his group has been to understand the mechanism of alternative splicing, a vital process that increases the coding potential of genome in all higher eukaryotes. Alternative splicing is also associated with a growing number of diseases including neurological and neuromuscular disorders, cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Particular focus of his group has been to understand the molecular basis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a debilitating genetic disease of infants and children. His award-winning discovery relates to finding a unique regulatory element located within the non-coding region (or intron) of Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) gene. He has termed this novel regulatory element as “Intronic Splicing Silencer N1”, which is abbreviated as “ISS-N1” (US patent #7,838,657). ISS-N1 remains the most studied antisense target for splicing correction in a human genetic disease. 


Present Professor, Iowa State University Department of Biomedical Sciences


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Contact Information

2034 Vet Med
1800 Christensen Dr
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-8505
Fax: 515-294-2325


Peer-Reviewed Articles (31)

Book Chapters (2)

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles (1)

Patents (2)