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About Qun Wang

Dr. Qun Wang works as assistant professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University, as well as associate scientist at the Ames National Laboratory of Department of Energy. He got his Ph.D. in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering from University of Kansas in 2010. He obtained another Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Wuhan University in 2007. Before he joined Iowa State University, he has worked as Jorge Heller Postdoctoral Fellow in Professor Robert Langer’s Lab at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology of MIT and Harvard Medical School. He serves as Associate Editor of Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology and Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Primatology, Chemical Engineering and Process Techniques, Journal of Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics.
Dr. Wang’s areas of interest include Biomaterials, Intestinal Engineering, Nanotechnology, and Drug Delivery. In Iowa State University, Dr. Wang BINDs his research in these areas to provide innovative solutions and products for human health. Specifically, his current research focuses on developing functional materials for biomedicine. Functionalized design represents a powerful strategy of developing next generation materials for numerous emerging applications, including energy, pharmaceutics, environment and medicine. Dr. Wang will employ his multidisciplinary expertise in the areas of materials science, stem cells, microfabrication, and pharmaceutical chemistry to address and resolve challenging problems of human health.


Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Iowa State University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Present Associate Scientist, Iowa State University Ames Laboratory

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Contact Information

2114 Sweeney
618 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-2230


Peer-Reviewed Articles (6)