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About Ping Deng

Dr. Ping Deng graduated from Renmin (People's) University of China, Beijing with law degree (1990) and earned M.A. (1997) and Ph.D. (1998) in international business studies and strategic management from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A. Dr. Deng is the Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair of Global Business and a professor of management (with tenure) at the Monte Ahuja College of Business (fully accredited by AACSB International), Cleveland State University (CSU), OH. Before joining CSU in August 2013, he was a tenured full professor of business administration at Maryville University of St. Louis. At CSU, Dr. Deng teaches international business, global strategy, emerging market multinational corporations (EMNCs), and current issues on emerging economies mainly at the graduate level. The designation of the Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair of Global Business (the highest academic honor at CSU) recognizes Dr. Deng's eminence in the field of global business that reflects outstanding contributions to the discipline and a level of productivity that has been demonstrated for an extended period of time with national and international recognition. As the Endowed Chair, he is responsible for leading the development of strong graduate programs, especially in the area of global business and provides intellectual leadership to enhance the international reputation of the Monte Ahuja College and the University. 

Dr. Deng's research focuses on global strategy, emerging market multinationals (MNCs), and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) from emerging economies, with particular emphasis on research methodologies, theoretical advancement, and social and political contexts. Primarily as solo author, he has published more than thirty (30) articles in prestigious business and management journals, made numerous presentations at leading academic conferences, and regularly serve as expert reviewer and award-winning judge for a number of prominent journals, textbooks, and scholarly associations in the world. More importantly, in the last ten years, almost each of Dr. Deng's papers has become a most cited article in the journal; they are listed as important articles which have shaped the international business theories and practices with high impact worldwide. 

According to Harzing's Publish or Perish citation index (i.e., Google Scholar), in the past five years, Dr. Deng's peer-reviewed publications (primarily as solo author) have been cited cumulatively 1,300 times by other studies, putting him among the most influential scholars in the field of the internationalization of Chinese and other emerging market firms through outward FDI. For example, according to the Web of Science of Thomson Reuters, his 2009 article (solo authored), "Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion?" is a "Highly Cited Paper", which since March/April 2014 has consistently received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Economics & Business based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year (Data from Essential Science Indicators). 

Due to his well-established national and international reputation, Dr. Deng is honored as Eastern Scholar, Chair Professor of Special Appointment at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, honorary dean of the School of Business, Mianyang Normal University, China, and also awarded several national and international research grants. Finally, Dr. Deng has been interviewed and highlighted by and/or quoted in influential media in the world and international organizations, including Washington Post, New York Times, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, International Herald Tribune, Fortune magazine, Associated Press, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


Present Faculty Member, Cleveland State University Monte Ahuja College of Business

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1998 Ph.D., Old Dominion University ‐ International Business Studies
1997 M.A., Old Dominion University ‐ International Business Studies
1990 B.A., Remin University of China ‐ International Relations (Law)