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About Peter Taylor

Professor Taylor's research and teaching are concerned with the complexity of social influences shaping the sciences, in particular, environmental and health research, and with ways that citizens, educators, and scientists contribute to scientific and social change. To support these interests, he is also engaged in innovation in teaching, group process, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
He has published articles in such journals as Science as Culture, Biology & Philosophy, and the International Journal of Epidemiology, edited Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities (University of Minnesota Press 1997), wrote Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, and Engagement (University of Chicago Press 2005), and co-authored Taking Yourself Seriously: Processes of Research and Engagement (The Pumping Station 2012(.
Peter Taylor serves as director of the Program in Science, Technology and Values, the Graduate Program in Critical and Creative Thinking (supporting mid-career students to become constructive, reflective agents of change in their professional practice), and the Science in a Changing World Graduate track.


Present Director, Graduate Program in Critical & Creative Thinking, University of Massachusetts Boston
Present Director, Program in Science, Technology & Values, University of Massachusetts Boston
Present Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education and Human Development, University of Massachusetts Boston

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Contact Information

Telephone: 617-287-7636
Office Location: Wheatley Hall, 2nd floor, Room 157


Website (1)

Articles (23)

Books (2)