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About Peter Horak

My main research interests are discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science; I have published some 90 scientific papers on these topics. In discrete mathematics my main focus is on combinatorics, graph theory, design theory, in computer science on coding theory, cryptography, complexity of algorithms, and security of databases. I travel and speak widely; I delivered invited lectures in more than twenty five countries on six continents. I am a member of the editorial boards of four international research journals.

I solved 4 problems posed by Paul Erdös, and a problem posed by Donald Knuth. My Erdös number is 1. At the moment my scientific interest are centered on the research related to the NATO grant “Secure Implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptography”, see
I enjoy doing research with students both on undergraduate and graduate levels. I was a co-supervisor of the Ph.D. thesis for Ms. Leticia B. Rodriguez from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her thesis has been awarded the 2nd prize by the Brazilian Math. Society. Currently I advise two Ph.D students, one from Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia, and one from University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Current Research
• At the moment I am focused on scientific problems of the NATO grant “Secure Implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptography”, see With Prof. Grosek from Slovak University of Technology, who is the PI of the grant, we work on ciphers that will be secure even in the coming era of the quantum computers.
• With Dr. Semaev from University of Bergen, and with Dr. Tuza from the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, we work on solving sparse systems of equation that are related to Algebraic Cryptanalysis.
• With Dr. Etzion from Technion, Haifa we work on problems related to perfect codes, Sidon sets, and the Golomb-Welch conjecture.
• For a long time I keep working on problems inspired by Minkowski’s conjecture on tiling a space by clusters of unit cubes.


Present Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Tacoma School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences

Curriculum Vitae


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  • TMATH 413 Coding Theory
  • TMATH 412 Cryptography


1995 D.Sc., Comenius University in Bratislava ‐ Mathematics
1980 Ph.D, Comenius University in Bratislava ‐ Mathematics
1975 M.S., Comenius University in Bratislava ‐ Mathematics
1974 B.S., Comenius University in Bratislava ‐ Mathematics

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