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About Paul Plummer

My clinical practice focuses on Large Animal Internal Medicine and more specifically internal medicine of ruminants. I am particularly interested in infectious disease and food safety issues associated with cattle, sheep and goats. My primary research focus is Campylobacter jejuni molecular microbiology. C. jejuni is the number one cause of food borne bacterial enteritis in the United States and abroad. My work focuses on the environmental adaptation, antimicrobial resistance and pathogenicity of this organism. I also have active research projects in caprine mastitis, IBK, Chlamydophila sp, MAP and Mycoplasma bovis prevention.


Present Associate Professor, Iowa State University Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine


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Contact Information

2426 Lloyd
1809 S Riverside Dr
Ames, IA 50011


Peer-Reviewed Articles (36)

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles (2)

Book Chapters (2)

Technical Reports (3)

Theses and Dissertations (1)