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Contribution to Book
Between Earth and Heaven: The Dialectical Structure of Ignatian Imagination
Religious Studies
  • Paul G. Crowley, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Fordham University Press

The theology of liberation has by now entered the common lexicon not only of theologians, but of many people who have until recently expressed little interest in theology.1 It is a theological genre or, better, a "movement" issuing out of and responsive to the experience of the poor and suffering of history, based upon a conviction that the Gospel has direct pertinence to the concrete human condition. It calls for a liberating practice as the way salvation is to be realized in history. A theology of liberation understands the Gospel as a divine challenge to any exercise of political and economic power that would threaten the very survival of human beings. The Gospel itself calls for a transfiguration of the earthly city and human history into an image of the kingdom of God. Thus, a theology of liberation moves in two directions: toward the fulfillment of human history in the absolute freedom of eternal life, and the working out of salvation within history itself.

Chapter of
Through a Glass Darkly: Essays in the Religious Imagination
John Hawley

Copyright © 1996 Fordham University Press. Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
Crowley, P.G. (1996) Between Earth and Heaven: The Dialectical Structure of Ignatian Imagination. In John Hawley (Ed.), Through a Glass Darkly: Essays in the Religious Imagination. New York: Fordham University Press.