Present | Professorr of Sociology, Director of Critical Studies of Race and Ethnicity, St. Catherine University ‐ Sociology Department | |
Research Interests
2018 - Present | Endowed Chair in the Sciences |
St. Catherine University | |
Challenging Criminalization: Beyond Policing and Punishment | |
2016 - 2018 | Procedural Justice, the School-to-Prison Pipeline, and Police in the Schools: An Exploration of the Role of SROs in Minneapolis Public Schools |
National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2005 - Present | Member, Association of Black Sociologists | 1990 - Present | Member, American Sociological Association | 1990 - Present | Member, Midwest Sociological Association |
Honors and Awards
- Endowed Chair in the Sciences, Challenging Criminalization: Beyond Policing and Punishment, SCU 2018-2021
- Co-Chair President’s Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence 2019-2022
- Denny Prize for Distinction in Writing, Honorable Mention, “#BlackLivesMatter” May 2018
- Denny Prize for Distinction in Writing, Honorable Mention, “Education Not Incarceration” May 2017
- Editorial Review Board, Abolition: Journal of Insurgent Politics, 2016 –present
- Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities Grant, Confronting the Prison Industrial Complex Phase II: A Campus and Community Collaboration, 2011-12
- Anne Joachim Moore Lectureship 2010
- Invitee and Presenter, Oxford University Round Table July 2008 and July 2009.
1987 | PhD, Sociology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | |
1979 | Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | |
Contact Information
St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105