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About Martin Swobodzinski

I am a behavioral geographer and geographic information scientist. Characteristic of behavioral geography is a focus on individual spatial decision making with the individual rather than the group being the primary unit of analysis. Valuable insight is derived through the understanding of individual knowledge, skills, choices, preferences, values, beliefs, and motivations. In addition, my training in geoinformatics, with its foundation in mathematics and computer science, warrants a focus on analytical, computational, and methodological aspects in my work.
My research is driven by my curiosity in regard to the intricate ways in which spatial technologies intersect with individual decision making behavior. I also have a long-standing interest in spatial cognition, in general, and human wayfinding and navigation, in particular.


Present Assistant Professor, Portland State University Geography
Present Director, Portland State University Center for Spatial Analysis and Research

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

Department of Geography
Portland State University
Cramer Hall Rm. 424-I
1721 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
phone: 503/725-3164
fax: 503/725-3166


Articles (13)

Reports (2)