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About Morris Chang

Morris Chang received his BSEE degree from Tatung Institute of Technology, Taiwan and his MS and PhD in computer engineering from North Carolina State University. Dr, Chang joined Iowa State University in August, 2001. His industrial experience includes positions at Texas Instruments, Taiwan (1983-1984), Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (1986-1988) and AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, Pennsylvania (1988-1990). He was on the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (1993-1995) and the Department of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL (1995-2001). He received the IIT University Excellence in Teaching Award in 1999. Dr. Chang's research interests include cyber security, wireless networks, energy-aware computing and object-oriented systems. His research on cyber security was reported in the USA Today on June 12, 2012 and the CNET/CBS on August 13, 2012. His research on Bandwidth Recycling in Wireless Network was featured on ISU's INNOVATEonline on July 22, 2011. His research on Dynamic Memory Management was featured on on Feb. 26, 2000. His research projects have been supported by NSF, DARPA, and Altera.


Present Associate Professor, Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Contact Information

391A Durham
Ames, IA 50011-2252
Phone: 515-294-7618
Fax: 515-294-9432
