Solution-Focused Coaching in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Perceived Therapist Impact
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
Aims: This qualitative descriptive study explored perceived impacts of solution-focused coaching in pediatric rehabilitation (SFC-peds) from the viewpoint of experienced therapists.
Methods: Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with six participants (four occupational therapists and two physical therapists) who had incorporated SFC-peds into their practice for three years or longer. Participants were asked to describe perceived differences SFC-peds has made to their clinical practice, service provision, and relationships with clients and families. Interview transcripts were analyzed using the method of thematic analysis.
Results: Three major themes, each with sub-themes, were identified: 1) changes in therapists’ perception of their roles; 2) increased service effectiveness; and 3) enhanced client capacity. Through long-term engagement with SFC-peds, participants have experienced a role shift from an expert adviser to a collaborative facilitator who
assists clients and families with capacity building and self-discovery of solutions for their everyday environments.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that SFC-peds can help participants reframe professional expertise and integrate principles of family-centred care into their day-to-day practice. Individual- and system-level support, along with flexibility in service structures and processes, may be needed to further the implementation of SFCpeds in service delivery.
- Solution-focused coaching; pediatric rehabilitation; therapists; thematic analysis
Publication Date
Citation Information
Schwellnus, H., Seko, Y., King, G., Baldwin, P., & Servais, M. (2020). Solution-focused coaching in pediatric rehabilitation: Perceived therapist impact. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 40(3), 263-278. doi:10.1080/01942638.2019.1675846