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About Michael V. Wells

Dr. Michael Wells is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus at the Levin College. Prior to joining the College, he was Associate Dean of Continuing Education at Cleveland State University, where he also served as an adjunct assistant professor in the History and General Administration Departments and the Urban Studies Department. His interest in American history - a "lifetime passion" - led him to acquire a Ph.D. in that field from The Ohio State University and to become a founding member of the Sacred Landmarks Research Group. He also holds an M.A. from The Ohio State University and a B.A. in American History from Wright State University.

His research and writings about sacred landmarks and ecclesiastical history he says, "stems from the appeal of that which is antique, romantic, hierarchical, ceremonial, and universal." Wells served nine years on the Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board, two as board chair. He has published in Journal of Management History, Public Administration Review (with William Bowen), Planning in Action, and Stained Glass. He has received an award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education from the dean and students of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. For the 2003-04 academic year he was a Fulbright Scholar in Norway.


Present Associate Professor Emeritus, Cleveland State University

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Publications (57)

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Reports (9)