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About Michael Callahan

Joining Boise State University in 2015, Dr. Michael Callahan is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Chemistry. He received a Ph.D. in Physical/Analytical Chemistry from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a B.S. in Chemistry with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Callahan’s professional experience includes a post as a Research Physical Scientist for the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in which he focused his research on the study of organic matter in carbonaceous meteorites (with an emphasis on nitrogen heterocyclic compounds) to understand the cosmochemistry of asteroids and investigate how meteoric organic compounds could have played a role in the origin of life.


2015 - Present Assistant Professor, Boise State University


Research Interests


2018 - Present NASA Grant to Study Organic Material Found on Asteriods
NASA Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS) Program
2020 - 2022 Investigation of how water in asteroids played a role in the organic composition found in extraterrestrial meteorite samples
NASA Emerging Worlds Program
Role: Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Karen Smith (Co-Principal Investigator)
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Honors and Awards

  • 2014 - NASA Solar System Exploration Division Peer Award
  • 2013 - Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement Award in Outreach, Team Award
  • 2012 - NASA Early Career Achievement Medal
  • 2012 - "On-The-Spot" NASA GSFC Award
  • 2011 - Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement Award in Science

Articles (13)

Presentations (2)

Invited Talks (1)

Student Mentored Work (3)