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About Melanie Mills

Melanie Mills is Assistant Librarian at the University of Western Ontario. She has worked as a Research & Instructional Services Librarian with Western Libraries since 2004, with the exception of the following two term appointments: Manager, Graduate Resource Centre (GRC), Faculty of Information and Media Studies (2008-2010); and Acting Director, Education Library, Western Libraries (2014-2015).


Present Assistant Librarian, Western Libraries, Western University
Present Librarian, Western University Western University - Huron college

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Contact Information

Melanie Mills
Research and Instructional Services Librarian
The D.B. Weldon Library
The University of Western Ontario
519-661-2111 x84820


Peer-Reviewd Publications (2)

Articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

Reviewed Conference Papers and Presentations (5)

Papers and presentations given at LIS, Teaching & Learning, and other academic conferences.

Reviewed Posters (2)

Posters presented at peer-reviewed conferences.