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The Stability of fucoxanthin and its effect on the physicochemical charateristics of goat milk yogurt
American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (2022)
  • Rahmat Attaie, Prairie View A&M University
  • Maryuri Nunez de Gonzalez, Prairie View A&M University
  • Adela Mora-Gutierrez, Prairie View A&M University
  • Yoonsung Jung, Prairie View A&M University
Considering the increasing demand of consumers for healthy diet,
fucoxanthin that is a marine carotenoid with anti-obesity activity was
used as a supplement in goat milk yogurt. The objectives of this research
were to study the stability characteristics of this anti-obesity biofunctional compound in goat milk yogurt during processing and storage.
Additionally, the effect of fucoxanthin supplementation in yogurt was
evaluated on the color, pH, acidity, texture, and lipid oxidation of yogurt
during the 4-week storage period. Fresh goat whole milk (82.85%, wt/
wt), powdered goat milk (10.68%, wt/wt), sugar (6.47%, wt/wt), and
fucoxanthin with 20% purity (0.026%, wt/wt) were combined to make
the yogurt mix. The concentration of fucoxanthin was 51.5 µg/g of
yogurt mix. The mix was heated at 80°C for 30 min and then cooled to
inoculate (YF-L812, Chr Hansen). The inoculated mix was incubated for
5 h at a temperature of 42°C. The quantification of fucoxanthin in yogurt
mix before heating, after heating, and in the freshly prepared yogurt
was carried out by a HPLC method. For determination of the storage
stability of fucoxanthin in yogurt, the quantification of this compound
was performed every week. Additionally, the effect of supplementation
of fucoxanthin on the color of yogurt was evaluated by reflectance using
a HunterLab colorimeter. The effect of fucoxanthin supplementation on
texture, pH, acidity, and lactic acid was also studied. Data were analyzed by a complete randomized design using PROC GLM procedure
of SAS. The recoveries of supplemented focuxanthin, which is based
on its concentration in the mix before heating and after heating were
99.0% and 99.41%, respectively. However, the recovery of focuxanthin
in freshly prepared yogurt was 92.37% that is different (P < 0.05) than
the yogurt mix. This indicates that heating of yogurt mix did not affect
the concentration of added focuxanthin; however, addition of inoculum
to the mix reduced (P < 0.05) the concentration of focuxanthin during
fermentation. The concentration of focuxanthin during the storage period
at 4°C for 4 weeks gradually decreased with time. Based on literature
findings, one serving of our fucoxanthin supplemented yogurt per day
(170 g/serving) has health benefits for humans.
  • Yogurt,
  • fucoxanthin,
  • stability
Publication Date
Summer June 19, 2022
Kansas City, MO
Citation Information
Rahmat Attaie, Maryuri Nunez de Gonzalez, Adela Mora-Gutierrez and Yoonsung Jung. "The Stability of fucoxanthin and its effect on the physicochemical charateristics of goat milk yogurt" American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (2022)
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