July 2020 - Present | Consultant, Forum of Federations / Conflict Dynamics International | |
August 2014 - Present | Associate Professor, Nova Southeastern University ‐ Halmos College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Conflict Resolution Studies | |
November 2014 - Present | Senior Consultant, MSI, Somalia | |
December 2005 - Present | Researcher / Writer, DTS | |
2016 - 2017 | Interim Director, Nova Southeastern University ‐ College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences - Department of Conflict Resolution Studies | |
November 2015 - 2017 | Lead Researcher, DTS ‐ Gender and Africa Countering Violent Extremism Risk Assessment | |
November 2014 - November 2016 | Lead Researcher, DTS ‐ East Africa Regional Countering Violent Extremism Risk Assessment | |
October 2013 - January 2014 | Team Leader, SSG Advisors | |
June 2014 | Senior Consultant, MSI, Somalia, Somaliland, and Kenya | |
April 2008 - October 2012 | Senior Program Officer, United States Institute of Peace ‐ Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding | |
2012 | Senior Program Officer, United States Institute for Peace ‐ Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding | |
2010 - 2011 | Adjunct Faculty, George Mason University ‐ School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution | |
2011 | Adjunct Faculty, George Mason University ‐ Peacekeeping Operations Program, School of Public Policy | |
2010 | Adjunct Faculty, United Nations University of Peace | |
2009 | Adjunct Faculty Member, Islamic University for Science and Technology | |
March 2008 - July 2008 | Team Leader, Community Security and Social Cohesion Consultant, UNDP / BCPR | |
2008 | Course Writer, American University / University of the South Pacific / UNDP / BCPR | |
July 2006 - June 2007 | Senior Technical Advisor (Part-Time), AMEX International ‐ Crisis, Instability, and Recovery Program | |
April 2006 - June 2006 | Trafficking in Persons Consultant, Chemonics International | |
December 2005 - June 2006 | Peacebuilding Consultant, Pact. Nepal | |
September 2006 | Consultant, International Alert ‐ Nairobi Kenya | |
December 2006 | Trainer, Conflict-Sensitive Approaches, American University ‐ Academy for Educational Development | |
April 2005 | Team Leader, Gender and Peace and Conflict Impact Assessments, Chemonics International | |
January 2004 - October 2004 | Consultant, MSI / USAID / REDSO | |
February 2004 - May 2004 | Gender Consultant, Catalyst Consortium | |
January 2004 - February 2004 | Gender and Disaster Consultant, CEDPA / USAID / India | |
September 2004 - November 2004 | Trainer, Chemonics International | |
April 2003 - June 2003 | Consultant, Nathan Associates/USAID/RegionalCenter for Southern Africa (RCSA) | |
July 2003 | Trainer, Catholic University ‐ Southeast European Youth Leadership Institute | |
April 2003 | Trainer, Boston School of Public Health ‐ Boston University Medical Center | |
October 2002 - November 2002 | Consultant, Management Systems International (MSI)/USAID.Guyana | |
March 2002 - September 2002 | Consultant, Senior Researcher, Management Systems International (MSI)/USAID ‐ Greater Horn of Africa Peacebuilding Project, | |
2001 - 2002 | Adjunct Faculty, Georgetown University ‐ Justice and Peace Program | |
1998 - 2002 | Consultant (Intermittent), Inter-American Development Bank ‐ Program for the Support of Women's Leadership and Representation (PROLID) | |
April 2001 - May 2001 | Consultant, ARD/USAID/OTI | |
2000 - 2001 | Adjunct Faculty, George Mason University ‐ Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) | |
July 2000 - August 2000 | Consultant, United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Turkey | |
August 2000 - October 2000 | Evaluation Consultant, USAID/Management Systems International, (MSI)/Greater Horn of Africa Peacebuilding Initiative (GHAI), Somaliland | |
November 2000 | Trainer, Alliance for Conflict Transformation / Partners for Democratic Change, Lithuania ‐ Advanced Training of Trainers on Resolving Violent Conflicts | |
July 1999 - October 1999 | Consultant, USAID Office for Women in Development, USAID (DAI contract) | |
July 1999 - September 1999 | Trainer, United States Institute of Peace, Ivory Coast | |
December 1998 - July 1999 | Consultant, AMA Technologies/USAID Office for Private Voluntary Cooperation (PVC) | |
September 1996 - June 1997 | Research Assistant, United States Institute of Peace | |
1996 | Graduate Research Assistant, George Mason University ‐ Department of Public and International Affairs | |
1996 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, George Mason University ‐ Department of Public and International Affairs | |
November 1994 - June 1995 | Project Manager, UNICEF Kenya ‐ Ethnic Clashes / Displaced Persons Program | |
February 1994 - June 1994 | Team Leader, Consultant, United Nations Development Program (UNDP),UNDP Development Office, Somalia | |
August 1992 - March 1993 | Project Manager & NGO Consortium Information Officer, Catholic Relief Services, Nairobi, Kenya ‐ Somalia Program | |
June 1991 - August 1991 | Training Coordinator, University Extension, Davis, CA ‐ Ecuadorian Women in Agriculture and Leadership Program | |
November 1989 - August 1990 | Project Manager, UNICEF ‐ Urban Basic Services Program | |
September 1988 - February 1989 | Training Advisor, Women's Agricultural Project, Baidoa, Somalia ‐ Overseas Education Fund International | |
1987 | Volunteer Coordinator, Latina Outreach Project | |
June 1985 - December 1986 | Owner / Manager, Small-Livestock Micro-Enterprise, Paraguay | |
Research Interests
Professional Service and Affiliations
2018 - Present | Board Member, FDEC (county level) | 2018 - Present | Co-Chair, National Symposium in Graduate Conflict Resolution Education | 2017 - Present | Platform Chair, Democratic Environmental Caucus (FDEC) Broward County | 2016 - Present | Platform Chair, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF) | 2016 - Present | Department Representative, Faculty Advisory Roundtable, Nova Southeastern University | 2015 - Present | Department Representative, College Curriculum Committee, Nova Southeastern University | 2015 - Present | Chair, Curriculum Committee, Department of Conflict Resolution Studies, Nova Southeastern University | Present | Member, "Forging a Resilient Social Contracts in Fragile and Conflict Contexts" Advisory Committee | Present | Director of Public Policy, American Association of University Women, NSU Chapter | Present | Co-Chair, Graduate Education in Conflict Resolution Symposium Planning Committee | 2019 | Board Member, DPCF (state level) | 2017 | Visiting Editor, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development | Member, African Studies Association (ASA) | Member, Association for Women in Development (AWID) | Member, International Studies Association (ISA) | Member, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) | Volunteer, Peace Corps-Paraguay | Member, Society for International Development (SID) | Member, Women in Foreign Policy (WIFP) | Member, Women in International Security (WIIS) |
Honors and Awards
- (1999-2000) - John Burton Fellowship
- (1999-2000) Baha'i Award for Excellence
- (1997-1998) Peace Fellow, Fund for Peace
2007 | Ph.D., George Mason University ‐ Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) | |
1992 | M.Ed. Adult and Non-Formal Education, University of California, Davis | |
1978 | B.S. Social Science, Portland State University | |
Contact Information
(954) 262-3049