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About Mary Biddinger

Mary Biddinger holds a BA in English from The University of Michigan (1996), an MFA in Poetry from Bowling Green State University (1998), and a Ph.D. in English from the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2003). She worked as a Lecturer of English and Creative Writing at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2003-2005) and joined the faculty of The University of Akron in Fall 2005. She has been awarded the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Service Award (2008) and the Chairs’ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Professional and Community Service (2006) at The University of Akron. Dr. Biddinger is the recipient of a 2015 Creative Writing Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as two Individual Excellence Awards in Poetry from the Ohio Arts Council (2007 and 2010).
Dr. Biddinger teaches poetry writing, modern and contemporary poetry, British fiction, writers on writing, and world literature. She is the author of five full-length collections of poems: Prairie Fever (Steel Toe Books, 2007), O Holy Insurgency (Black Lawrence Press, 2013), A Sunny Place with Adequate Water (Black Lawrence Press, 2014), Small Enterprise (Black Lawrence Press, 2015), and The Czar (with Jay Robinson, Black Lawrence Press, 2016), and one chapbook, Saint Monica (Black Lawrence Press, 2011). Her work has appeared in Barrelhouse, Bat City Review, Blackbird, Crazyhorse, Crab Orchard Review, The Denver Quarterly, Forklift, Ohio, Green Mountains Review, Gulf Coast, jubilat, The Laurel Review, Redivider, Pleiades, Quarterly West, and many other journals. Since 2008, Dr. Biddinger has been the editor of the Akron Series in Poetry at the University of Akron Press. From 2009-2012, she served as director of the NEOMFA: Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts in creative writing program.


Present Professor and Assistant Chair, English Department, The University of Akron

Curriculum Vitae

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