Present | Professor, Business Administration, St. Catherine University ‐ Business Administration Department | |
Research Interests
2021 Nelsen, Julie B., Henderson, Mary U., and Pa Kou Yang "Katie's Closet: An On-campus Experiential Learning Project" Marketing Educators Association (MEA) Spring 2021 Conference. 2021 Henderson, Mary U. and Megan Kalina. "Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Development of a Minor for an Undergraduate Business Program." MBAA International Conference, North American Management Society Track. Chicago, IL: March, 2021. Paper was accepted for presentation at conference., 2019 Nelsen, Julie, Rand, Sarah, Henderson, Mary U., and Margaret Smith. "#Me Too: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Creating a Valuable Topics Course." MBAA International Conference, North American Management Society Track. Chicago, IL: April 2019. Paper selected as "Best Paper" for the North American Management Society Track (Professor Sarah Rand delivered the presentation at the conference)., 2020 Nelsen, Julie, Henderson, Mary U., and Sarah Rand. "Sustainability in Business: Developing an Undergraduate Business Course" Marketing Educators Association Spring 2020 Conference. Seattle, WA. Paper was selected for presentation. Paper was published in the online conference proceedings. Paper selected as the "Runner-up for the Competitive Paper Winner." Since it was a winning paper and due to the pandemic, the paper was presented via a videorecording., 2018 Kalina, Megan and Mary U. Henderson "The Integration of a Catholic Social Teaching Website into a Business Curriculum." Co-developed and co-presented a paper and the new website associated with this paper. Tenth International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education. The University of St. Thomas. Minneapolis, MN, June 21 - 23, 2018., 2018 Rand, Sarah, Nelsen, Julie, Henderson, Mary U., and Paul Kotz "The Rise of Standardized Rankings in Higher Education: Examining the Value Proposition for Adult Learners" Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference, September 19 - 21, 2018. Kansas City, MO. Paper published in proceedings and presented at conference., and Beckel Nelsen, Julie, Rand, Sarah, Kotz, Paul E., and Mary U. Henderson "Making the Intangibles Count: The Meaning of Value in Higher Education Today" Marketing Educators Association Spring 2018 Conference, April 2018. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Paper published in proceedings and presented at conference.
Honors and Awards
- Excellence in Teaching and Advising Award in 2020
- Bonnie Jean Kelly and Joan Kelly Faculty Excellence Award in 2013.
- Nominee for the St. Catherine Teaching and Advising Award - 2018 - 2019
- 2017 - 2018 (finalist)
- 2006 - 2007 (finalist)
- 2002 - 2003
- 2001 - 2002
- Faculty Teaching and Advising Award - Honorable Mention - 2008 -- 2009
- St. Catherine Mentor Designated by Student(s) - 2021 (2), 2020, 2019 (5), 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 (4), 2014 (7), 2013 (3), 2012 (3), 2011 (2), 2010, 2008, 2006 (2), 2005 (3), 2004, 2003
- Principles of Management; Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management; Business/Accounting/Leadership Practicum; Advanced Sales: Strategic Account Management; Leadership and Influence
2008 | University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota ‐ Doctor of Education | |
1988 | College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota ‐ Master of Business Administration | |
1980 | College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota ‐ Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration/Marketing | |
Contact Information
Phone: 651-690-8876