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About Marilia Y. Antúnez

I am the liaison librarian for the Biology, Nursing, Audiology, Speech Language Pathology, Sport Science & Wellness Education, Nutrition & Dietetics and Allied Health academic programs, students, faculty, programs and staff at The University of Akron. My key responsibilities are to support instruction and research, identify needed resources and communicate information about new products and services. I earned a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from University of South Florida and a Master's degree in Gerontology from Appalachian State University.


Present Life & Allied Health Sciences Librarian, The University of Akron University Libraries

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

Bierce Library
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-3907


Research Works (3)

Articles (6)

Conference Presentations (3)

Others (1)