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About Marian V. Prince

Born in Delaware, Marian Prince, who has taught 091-092, Reasoning with Functions, and Statistics (including AP Statistics for Berrien RESA), earned her BS at the University of Michigan in Mathematics and Physics.  For 25 years she taught middle and high school math, science, and technology subjects in several districts across Michigan, mostly in the Benton Harbor area.  After retiring in 2010, she completed her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction at Andrews and formed a nonprofit organization, Charitable Calculators, which receives donated graphing calculators and distributes them to qualifying schools around the world.  She has five children and four grandchildren and loves to sing and play flute in the worship team at her church.


2021 Adjunct Faculty, Andrews University Department of Mathematics


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Contact Information

Haughey Hall 127
(269) 471-6169


Articles (1)

Presentations (4)

Dissertation (1)