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About Marco Morales

Associate Professor of Economics at the Universidad Diego Portales. Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University.
Previously he has served as Chief of the Research Division of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, Economic Advisor at the Ministry of Finance, and Economist at the Research Department of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions. He has also been consultant to the Corporate Affairs Division of the OECD, Division of Operations and Financial Sector Policy of the World Bank, and to the Division of Statistics and Projections of ECLAC.
He has published in journals including Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Applied Economics, Journal of Applied Statistics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, International Review of Finance, and Emerging Markets Finance and Trade on issues related to longevity insurance, annuities markets, yield curve, time series econometrics, total factors productivity, exchange rate interventions, and shock transmission and coupling between financial markets.


Present Associate Professor, Universidad Diego Portales
Present Departamento de Economía, Universidad Diego Portales

Curriculum Vitae


Research Interests

Financial Econometrics, Time Series Econometrics, Finance, Insurance, and Pensions

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  • Derivative Assets
  • Econometrics
  • Financial Econometrics
  • Time Series Econometrics
  • Financial Economics


PhD, Boston University ‐ Economics

Contact Information

Departamento de Economía
Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Universidad Diego Portales
Av. Santa Clara 797, Huechuraba
Santiago, Chile
Teléfono (562) 22130126

Publications (13)