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About Leslie S. Gertsch

Dr. Leslie S. Gertsch earned a Ph.D. in Mining Engineering, with Rock Mechanics major and Fluid Mechanics minor, and a B.S. in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. She was employed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Earth Mechanics Institute, Colorado School of Mines, and Michigan Tech. Dr. Gertsch’s research has been sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, NASA, NSF, and industry. Her specializations include Space Resources Laboratory, Rock Testing Laboratory, Mechanical Rock Fragmentation Laboratory. Her research interests include Extra-Terrestrial Mining, Rock Fragmentation, Mine Planning, Fluid Flow through Fractured Rock, Sustainable Resource Production, Mine Autonomous Systems.


2009 - Present Adjunct Associate Professor, Mining Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2009 - Present Associate Professor, Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
2009 - Present Deputy Director, Rock Mechanics, Missouri University of Science and Technology Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center
2003 - Present Senior Research Investigator, Missouri University of Science and Technology Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center
2006 - 2009 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mining Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2003 - 2009 Assistant Professor, Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
1998 - 2002 Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological University
1996 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Mines ‐ Mining Engineering
1990 - 1996 Assistant Research Professor, Colorado School of Mines ‐ Excavation Engineering and Earth Mechanics Institute
1988 - 1990 Mining Engineer, U.S. Bureau of Mines ‐ Spokane Research Center

Curriculum Vitae


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Professional Service and Affiliations

2013 - Present Member, Association on Environmental & Engineering Geologists
2013 - Present Member, Society of Economic Geologists
2012 - Present Member, International Society for Rock Mechanics
2008 - Present Member, Engineers Without Borders
2007 - Present Member, Geological Society of America
2006 - Present Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
2005 - Present Member, American Institute of Physics
2004 - Present Member, American Geophysical Union
2004 - Present Member, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
1999 - Present Member, Space Resources Roundtable
1998 - Present Member, American Rock Mechanics Association
1986 - Present Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1981 - Present Member, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration (SME)
1976 - Present Life Member, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
2008 - 2010 Member, Mars Society
2006 - 2009 Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
1998 - 2003 Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
1995 - 1996 Member, Women’s Auxiliary of SME
1992 - 1996 Member, International Society for Rock Mechanics
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Honors and Awards

  • Past Chair Appreciation Award, ASCE Aerospace Division Executive Committee, 2013
  • Past Chair Award, AIAA Space & Missiles Group, Space Resources Technical Committee, 2013
  • Project Area Manager Award, SME Mining & Exploration Division, 2013
  • Distinguished Service Award, SME Mining & Exploration Division, 2001


  • Geology for Engineers
  • Statics and Mechanics of Geological Materials
  • Statistics in Geology and Engineering
  • Geomorphology and Terrain Analysis


1989 Ph.D. in Mining Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
1982 B.S. in Gelogical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Contact Information

320 McNutt Hall
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65409

(573) 341-7278
Fax: (573) 341-4368


Research Works (49)