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About Lawrence F. Keller

Dr. Lawrence F. Keller received a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the American University and a J. D. from Vanderbilt University. At Vanderbilt, he specialized in Administrative Law, studying under one of the authors of the federal Administrative Procedures Act. Dr. Keller formally retired in 2008 but continues to teach and work with doctoral students at the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. He joined the College in June, 1982. His instruction is focused primarily in the areas of City Management, Public Administration and Organizational Theory. Prior to his position at Cleveland State University, Dr. Keller taught at Fisk University, University of Kansas and the University of Colorado at Denver.

He has published numerous articles, monographs and book chapters on Public Administration Theory/Practice, the nature of a profession, the political dynamics of cities and a variety of Public Affairs topics. His primary research focus is on the nexus of Public Administration, Politics and the Law at the local level. In this context he has examined how the various forms of government - Council-Mayor and Council-Manager - govern the modern metropolis.

Dr. Keller is active in the continuing education of high level Public Administrators and Elected Officials. He teaches annual courses in Administrative Law, Strategic Leadership and Analysis and the Management of Complex Organizations. He also designs and participates in numerous training seminars for state and local officials, such as the Ohio Certified Public Management Program and Seminar for Newly Elected Local Officials. In fact, he designed several public service units in two (2) universities.

In addition to his teaching and research, Dr. Keller works with a variety of local government bodies. He has worked with professional associations, such as the Colorado City Management Association and the Ohio City Management Association. He has worked with City Councils, Charter Commissions and Charter Review Commissions. His work with charter Commissions and Councils includes staffing as well as designing the procedures. He also served on the 2004 Lakewood, Ohio, Charter Review Commission and was its Secretary.

Dr. Keller believes the modern city needs both effective public officials and active citizen groups. Thus, he has worked with numerous citizen and community groups, helping them to understand the governing systems of modern life and improving their interactions with government. In all of his work, Dr. Keller strives to increase the professionalism of government and the quality of life for all citizens. In recognition of his work in local government Dr. Keller was awarded a career academic award from the International City Management Association (ICMA) in 2006.


Present Associate Professor Emeritus, Cleveland State University

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