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About Larry D. Burton

Larry Burton, a native of Arkansas, is married to Pamela (Gustafson) and the father of two adult children – Danielle and Jeremy. Burton worked 13 years as an elementary educator, specializing in science education. After completing his PhD he worked 7 years in teacher education at Andrews, including a 4-year term as department chair. Since 2002 he has worked in the Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) graduate programs. He currently serves as editor of the Journal of Research on Christian Education in addition to his teaching and administrative duties in C&I. In his free time he enjoys writing poetry and stories, traveling, spending time outdoors, and running marathons.
Current Research or Professional Activities:
Current Research Interests (2008)
Principal Investigator: Uncovering Antecendents of STEM Success at Andrews University, CCLI grant funded by the National Science Foundation [NSF] ($54,112), mixed-methods evaluation (grounded theory and secondary analysis)
Evaluator, Behavioral Neuroscience Program at Andrews University, NSF-funded STEP Grant ($496,000) (in tandem with "Uncovering Antecendents"), mixed-methods evaluation research (grounded theory and secondary analysis)
Profile Study series, an on-going evaluation of curriculum and instruction for the Seventh-day Adventist schools in Bermuda, Canada, and the United States, mixed-methods evaluation
Development of the Growing Disciples Curriculum ($4000 General Conference grant), educational design research
Student perceptions of the integration of faith and learning in Christian higher education, grounded theory research
Christian perspectives in curriculum theory, critical and hermeneutical research


1995 - Present Emeritus Professor, Andrews University Department of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
Present Editor, Andrews University Journal of Research on Christian Education

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • The Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award, School of Education, 2016.
  • Inaugural winner of the Siegfried H. Horn Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship (Arts, Humanities, and Education), 2011. Award conferred by the Scholarly Research Council, Andrews University.
  • Advisor of the Year, 1998. Awarded by the Office of Student Success, Andrews University.
  • Teacher of the Year, 1998, School of Education. Awarded by the Andrews University Student Association.
  • Weniger Fellow, 1992-1993. Recipient of $9,000 fellowship from Andrews University School of Graduate Studies during first year of doctoral studies.


BS, Andrews University
PhD, Andrews University
MEd, Southwestern Adventist University


Editorials (31)

Books (2)

Book Chapters (3)