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About L. Alison Phillips

I study the processes by which individuals develop and maintain health-related habits, particularly medication adherence and regular physical activity. These processes include belief/attitude formation, experience that a behavior has expected results, intrinsic motivation and self-identitification with the behavior, and stable context cues for the behavior. I study mainly populations with chronic illness but also young adults, for whom prevention of chronic illness is key. I also study provider communication strategies for promoting optimal adherence to medical advice, primarily focusing on eliciting and addressing patients' beliefs about their treatment(s) and their treatment-related habits. In the future, I will develop "mobile health" technology applications to promote effective patient-provider communication and habit development


Present Assistant Professor, Iowa State University Department of Psychology


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Contact Information

W112 Lagomarcino
901 Stange Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1041


Articles (30)