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About Kurt Becker

Kurt Becker is a Professor and the Department Head of Engineering and Technology Education. He is the Co-Principal Investigator for the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded National Center for Engineering and Technology Education and Principal Investigator for the NSF funded project: Communities of Effective Practice: A professional STEM Development Partnership Model for Teachers of American Indian Students. His areas of research include adult learning cognition, engineering education professional development and technical training. He works with the technology teacher education program in the department and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in methods of institutions of higher education. He has extensive international experience working on technical training projects funded by the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and U.S. Department of Labor, USAID. Countries where he has worked include Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Thailand. He is currently a consultant on a USAID-funded project that involves workforce development and enterprise competitiveness. He has numerous publications in technology education and international training.


Present Department Head, Utah State University Engineering Education

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • 2005 - Researcher of the Year, Department of Engineering and Technology Education, Utah State University
  • 2005 - Advisor of the Year, Department of Engineering and Technology Education, Utah State University
  • 2001 - Teacher of the Year, Department of Industrial Technology and Education, Utah State University

Contact Information

Phone: (435) 797-1795
Office: IS 112E


Articles (13)