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About Professor Katina Michael

Dr Katina Michael (MIEEE’04, SMIEEE’06) holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (’03); a Master of Transnational Crime Prevention from the Faculty of Law at the University of Wollongong (’09) and a Bachelor of Information Technology from the School of Mathematical and Computing Science, NSW, Australia at the University of Technology, Sydney (’96). She is presently a PROFESSOR at the University of Wollongong in the School of Information Systems and Technology in Australia, and has previously been employed as a SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEER at Nortel Networks (’96-‘01). She has also worked as a SYSTEMS ANALYST at Andersen Consulting and OTIS Elevator Company.
Michael has co-authored six edited books, but more recently co-edited a 500 page reference volume: Uberveillance and the Social Implications of Microchip Implants: Emerging Technologies. Hershey: PA: IGI Global, 2013. She has published over 100 peer reviewed papers. Michael researches predominantly in the area of emerging technologies, and has secondary interests in technologies used for national security and their corresponding social implications.


Present Professor, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong
Present Senior Member IEEE, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Editor-in-Chief (2012-15)

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Honors and Awards

  • Senior Member of the IEEE
  • Editor in Chief, IEEE Technology & Society Magazine
  • Senior Editor of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
  • Editorial Board of Computers & Security (2012-2014)
  • Editorial Board of Social Network Analysis and Mining
  • Board Member of the Australian Privacy Foundation since 2008 (Vice Chair 2012-2014

Contact Information

Phone: 0242213937
Mobile: 0431201172
Location: Building 4.101 (Deanery)


Journal Papers (including editorials) (180)