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Are marketers using hip-hop music like stock photography to support DEI initiatives? A revised IMC framework to address cultural appropriation
AMA Winter Educator’s Conference (2023)
  • Dexter L. Purnell
  • Kimberly V. Legocki, Saint Mary's College of California
  • DEI,
  • brand authenticity,
  • Hip-Hop,
  • cultural appropriation,
  • integrated marketing communications
Publication Date
Winter February 9, 2023
Nashville, TN
ISBN-13: 978-0-87757-015-8
Published as part of 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, "Reconnecting and Reconceiving the Marketplace," Volume 34. ISBN-13: 978-0-87757-015-8 

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Citation Information
Purnell, D.L. and K.L. Legocki (2023). Details for Are marketers using hip-hop music like stock photography to support DEI initiatives? A revised IMC framework to address cultural appropriation. In N. Umashankar, & M. Lisjak (Eds.), Reconnecting and Reconceiving the Marketplace: Vol. 34. AMA Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN (pp. 122-126). American Marketing Association. ISBN-13: 978-0-87757-015-8
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