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About Kevin Kecskes

Dr. Kecskes is a Professor of Public Administration in the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government at Portland State University. His primary teaching areas are global leadership and ethics in the Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program where he serves as the lead faculty advisor for the Global Leadership and Management specialization. He also regularly teaches on community engagement and leadership in the undergraduate civic leadership program, which he co-founded. Prior to joining the faculty, Dr. Kecskes provided university-wide leadership in various positions at PSU including Associate Vice Provost for Engagement and Director for Community-University Partnerships. 

From 1997-2002, Dr. Kecskes was the Program Director of the Western Region Campus Compact Consortium at Western Washington University. He has consulted on community-engaged teaching and research with multiple colleges, universities and public and nonprofit community partners over the past 25 years. Since the 1980s, Dr. Kecskes has maintained an active global research and consulting agenda, primarily in Latin America, Asia and in the Middle East. 

Dr. Kecskes has degrees from Boston College, Harvard University, and Portland State University where he has formally studied biology, philosophy, education, and public administration and policy. 


May 2022 - Present Professor, Portland State University Public Administration
2012 - May 2022 Associate Professor, Portland State University Public Administration
Faculty Member, Portland State University Mark O' Hatfield School of Government
Fellow, Portland State University Institute for Sustainable Solutions

Curriculum Vitae


2011 - Present U.S. Department of State / Middle East Partnership Initiative Office of Assistance Coordination, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA/AC)
Role: PI
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Faculty Fellow, PSU Futures Collaboratory
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Honors and Awards

  • “Outstanding Teacher of the Year,”. College of Urban and Public Affairs, Department of Public Administration, 2016/17.


2008 Ph.D., Portland State University ‐ Mark O' Hatfield School of Government
1994 MA, Harvard Graduate School of Education ‐ Teaching, Curriculum, and Learning Environments


Articles (15)

Presentations (1)

Annual Reports (2)

Book Chapters (9)