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Student Leadership Exchange (SLX)
  • Elaina Xiao, '23, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Kenith Taukolo, '23, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Bhavyaa Chauhan, '23, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Aryan Gandhi
Saanvi Chelikani
Document Type
Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)
UN Sustainable Development Goal
UNSDG #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Start Date
28-4-2021 10:05 AM
End Date
28-4-2021 10:25 AM

Before you sit down on the barber’s chair, use SnapNSnip! This revolutionary smart mirror guarantees that you never have a bad haircut. Just stand in front of the product, and choose a hairstyle of your choice. The machine will automatically set your face type and hair color. Then, make sure to adjust the length on the sides, back, top, etc. using the sliders available. The hairstylist will take a picture of your desired haircut, and will cut it to your desire. We decided to create this product in order to prevent people from being dissatisfied with their haircuts. This is true because according to a study done by the Daily Mail, in which one in five women have disliked their haircut. Moreover, 639 women and 361 men have said that they hated their haircut so much, they had to resort to extreme ways of hiding their hair (i.e. staying at home until it grows out). This was a problem that needed to be solved. Taking into account the UNSDG goal 9 regarding fostering innovation, this product would help open the door to other possibilities such as using mirrors in the medical field to reduce the number of mistakes or for fashion designers. This product, while great on its own, sparks new innovations and ideas, and is why it needs to be created.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Elaina Xiao, Kenith Taukolo and Bhavyaa Chauhan. "SnapNSnip" (2021)
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