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About Kendra Damer

Kendra Damer is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Butler University.


Present Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Butler University

Curriculum Vitae

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  • Fall 2015-present Exploring Pharmacy (PX100)
  • Fall 2015-present Academia Elective APPE Rotation (RX650)
  • Fall 2015 Immunization Elective (RX621)
  • Spring 2015-present Therapeutics Case Studies 2 (RX404)
  • Fall 2014-present Therapeutics Case Studies 1 (RX403)
  • Fall 2014-present Therapeutics Case Studies 3 (RX503)
  • Spring 2014-present Therapeutics & Case Studies 4 (RX517)
  • Spring 2012-present Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy (RX648)
  • 2009-2013 Infectious Diseases APPE Rotation (RX672)

Articles (5)

Book Chapters (6)

Conference Abstracts (1)