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About Kelly H. Liu

Dr. Kelly Liu is a geophysicist with a teaching and research interest in both exploration geophysics and solid-earth geophysics. Her expertise includes 3-D seismic data interpretation, digital signal processing, computational and observational seismology, seismic hazard mitigation, and layered structure detection in the earth's mantle.

Dr. Liu was elected a Geological Society of America (GSA) Fellow in 2017. According to Kevin Mickus who nominated her "Dr. Liu has been a leader in using seismic data to determine crust and mantle structure, especially using shear wave splitting and seismic anisotropy to determine the nature of tectonic environments".

CREE Senior Research Investigator


2010 - Present Professor of Geophysics, Missouri University of Science and Technology Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Present Senior Research Investigator, Missouri University of Science and Technology Center for Research in Energy and Environment (CREE)
2006 - 2010 Associate Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
2005 - 2006 Associate Professor, Kansas State University
2000 - 2005 Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
1999 - 2000 Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Kansas State University

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Dean’s Educator, College of Engineering and Computing 2020 Award
  • S&T Outstanding Teaching Award, 2019
  • Geological Society of America (GSA) Fellow, 2016
  • Missouri S&T Academy of Mines and Metallurgy senior faculty award, 2016
  • One of the five Missouri S&T Faculty Excellence Awards, 2016
  • Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Award, 2015-2016
  • Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Award, 2007-2008
  • Outstanding Educator Award Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2021
  • S&T Faculty Teaching Award, 2020


  • Geophys 6241: Theory of Elastic Waves
  • Geophys 5202: Exploration and Development Seismology


June 1998 Ph.D. in Geophysics and Space Physics, University of California, Los Angeles
September 1995 M.S.. in Geophysics and Space Physics, University of California, Los Angeles
July 1984 B.S. in Exploration Geophysics, China University of Petroleum ‐ Department of Exploration

Contact Information

Geology and Geophysics Program
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409-0410

(573)-341-6724 (phone)
(573)-341-6935 (fax)


Research Works (178)